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    Collaboratively Close Deals with Over 5000 Partners in our Global Network

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    Share and Discover Opportunities in Our Marketplace


Trade Agreements can create opportunities for our Global Partners and help to grow the global economy.


They lay out “rules of the road” for global companies looking to do business in markets around the world by reducing barriers to world trade, especially when done and concluded in the clouds with no physical barriers.


Imports and exports are all possible in The Kings Ark- World trade center platform, protecting global business es'. interests, and enhancing the rule of law in trade agreement partners of our platform. There are many benefits of The Kings Ark trade agreements, including:

Global Trade agreements that set rules out governing trade among the Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings)'s over 5000+ partner members round the world who do not need to worry about marketing spends to meet their revenue needs but go straight to deal closings with other partner brands and banks in The Kings Ark platform. International trade has never been this easier.

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between our brand partners has made it a global opportunity ground to meet all revenue needs for our global partners and prospective businesses who shall join our global trade. The Kings Ark has over 5K+ Brand and Bank Partners round world who shall be in trade with one another and in force with over 100 countries that build on the foundation of the World Trade Center Platform trade Agreement, providing even more protections and rights to our global partners to do businesses freely with no interruptions or Barriers on the clouds.

Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) that help protect private investment, develop market-oriented policies in partner countries, and promote global imports and exports, all in Place.


The Kings ARK- World Trade Center Platform Agreements

The World Trade Center Platform Agreements create an international trade legal framework for over 100 economies around the world. These Agreements cover goods, services, intellectual property, standards, investment, financial services and other issues that impact the flow of global trade.


The Kings Ark Founding company, Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings) who focuses on  International Trade Administration, Administration of global ECommerce, manages this global trade site to provide access to ITA information on promoting trade and investment, strengthening the competitiveness of global industry, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements.


External links to other Internet sites managed by our global partners should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Each partner site follows the local and international privacy laws set aside by their jurisdiction laws and regulations and are responsible for their business operations. Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings) on the other hand is the provider and facilitator of the platform where global brokerage are conducted by Global brands and banks.

This site contains PDF documents. A PDF reader is available from Adobe Systems Incorporated to view and sign The Trades Agreement binding our global trade relationship globally.


We Provide a world class solution service that caters for the Global issues affecting world trade.



Trade Agreement Guides

These guides will summarize the main takeaways: What it is, what it does, who benefits from it, how it can help your business and where to find more information.

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About Us


Connecting Businesses and Governments, Globally through Trade.

The Kings Ark Platform is The World Trade Center where Top Brands and Businesses generate opportunities to remain sustainable in the market through revenue genaration by world trade.We stimulate trade and investment opportunities for Banks, Brands, Technology Companies, Financial institutions, Oil Companies, commercial property developers, Real Estate Investment Companies, and Crypto curency establishments round the world to boost economic development and support businesses to connect globally and prosper locally. We are one of our Kind and the only Global Borkerage Bridge where all brands from all walks of life gather to close deals on Spot, without any trade sanctions.

Our Platform serves as an 'international deal closing Hub' of global brands and bank connections, iconic governmental establishments, and worldwide trade operations under the umbrella of a prestigious brand, Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings).



The The Kings Ark- World Trade Center is a global symbol for Ecommerce, Financial Services, and Global Buisness/Government connections — the world’s most vigorous global brand facilitating international business and government connections and glaobal trade.The One and Only of it's Kind.


We envison that Global trade is the principle brokerage bridge that forms the global partnership that accelerates business growth and prosperity, and strengthens the global trade community to boost the economy worldwide.

At The Kings Ark- World Trade Center, we’re committed to building the future of international trade to foster a healthy business ecosystem in an era of trade divison and trade sanctions resulting from political disputes. The World Trade Center by The Kings Ark serves as a unifying ecosystem of trade centers and connections, fostering global business without bias, across communities, cities, and industries. Regardless of the location or region, we have a presence through our global partnership network of over 5000 global brands and banks with government involvments.


Brand Story

When the prestigous image of the The Kings Ark Padlock Logo with a Checkmark showcasing The World Trade Center by Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing(Kings Global Fundings) – emblazoned on one of its hundreds of prestigious locations – catches your eye, what comes to your mind?

Some will think of security and trusted organizations, standing tall over the world’s most important regions. Others will think of innovation and entrepreneurship, and the accomplishments of the association’s elite global members. Still more will draw to mind its esteemed creativity, as the most influential platform of international E-commerce in the world. No physical boundries, no requirements for physical contacts in trade and everything done in the cloud, Global Trade has never been this easier with trust.

Although The Kings Ark is world-famous for many important reasons, there remains one common thread through it all: Global partnership connections with trusted brands and banks. The Kings Ark builds Global connections and networks that are greater than the sum of their parts. It’s a mutually-supporting ecosystem of Top Brands and Banks, businesses, resourceful individuals and Governments that is always growing, always learning, and always thriving: building the future of international trade in one platform.


Our Ethical Values

  • Non-Political and no trade sanctions
  • Openness and Transparent in trade
  • Multiculturalism-Global Trade with no boundaries
  • Respectfulness to all cultures
  • Cooperation and mutuality
  • Legal and regulatory compliance in trade, all trade are conducted by registered reputable brands and banks who comply to laws and regulations.

Learn more about benefits and discover our global brand and bank partners


Connected Global Network Social Media Platform. Meet with Global Brands who are experts in the Industry. Find global and local trade opportunities throughout the network. Connect Now!


Enter The Partnership Project Board


Leading the Ecommerce and Finance Future- The Global Revolution

Our partnership Members contribute diverse global trade and industry expertise that encompass the world trade by global brands of iconic deals and integrated trade opportunities.



    The Kings Ark™ is a Buisness operation by Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings), a Global Financial Service and Outsourcing company with over 5000 global brand and bank partners round the world. Born in 2018 and Ever Growing, The Kings Ark™ is Likened unto the Noah's Ark, an Ark of the Covenant in a perilous moment. Here to make an intervention to save the Global Trade and bring TRADING to the Clouds, where no floods can reach,

  • Kingsley Michael Uhiaria's Vision

    Kingsley Michael Uhiaria's Vision

    The King Envisions the building of a permamnnt cloud platform, where Global Brands and Banks gather to close deals on spot with no sanctions or trade barriers in a time of global trade conflicts and diputes. An Intervention to save the Global TRADE! CONCIEVED FROM THE COVENANT.

  • Globally Recognized Brands in Global Trade on The Clouds

    Globally Recognized Brands in Global Trade on The Clouds

    The The Kings Ark-World Trade Center is a global symbol for Ecommerce, Global Partnership Network, and Deal Closing Platform — the world’s most trusted global brand facilitating international business connections and trade.

Meet the Team

Sam Heinz
Sam Heinz
Concrete Fan
Ruthie Rich
Ruthie Rich
Concrete Fan
Amanda Johnson
Amanda Johnson
Concrete Fan
Christina Backman
Christina Backman
Concrete Fan
Robert Cook
Robert Cook
Concrete Fan
David Briscoe
David Briscoe
Concrete Fan